Humanities and Social Sciences
Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs
ABET 1999-2000
- Studies in the humanities and social sciences serve not only to meet the objective of a broad education but also to meet the objectives of the engineering profession. Therefore, studies in the humanities and social sciences must be planned to reflect a rationale or fulfill an objective appropriate to the engineering profession and the institution’s educational objectives.
- In the interests of making engineers fully aware if their social responsibilities and better able to consider. Related factors in the decision-making process, institutions must require course work in the humanities and social sciences as an integral part of the engineering program. This philosophy cannot be overemphasized. To satisfy this requirement, the courses selected must provide both breadth and depth and not be limited to a selection of unrelated introductory courses.
- Such course work must meet the generally accepted definitions that humanities are the branches of knowledge concerned with man and his culture, while social sciences are the studies of individual relationships in and to society. Examples of traditional subjects in these areas are philosophy, religions, history, literature, fine arts, sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, economics, and foreign languages other than English or a student’s native language.
- Nontraditional subjects are exemplified by courses such as technology and human affairs, history of technology, and professional ethics and social responsibility. Courses that instill cultural values are acceptable, while routine exercises of personal craft are not. Consequently, courses that involve performance must be accompanied by theory or history of the subject.
- Subjects such as accounting, industrial management, finance, personnel administration, engineering economy, and military training may be appropriately included either as required or elective courses in engineering curricula to satisfy desired program objectives of the institution. However, such courses usually do not fulfill the objectives desired of the humanities and social sciences content.