Bulletin/Course Guide

The online Bulletin reflects the most up-to- date information available and is updated as changes are made to the curriculum. To view past versions of the College Bulletin in Adobe Acrobat format, please visit our archives. Note: Archived bulletins are only applicable to that academic year’s course requirements. Please visit your advisor for more information, or if you have questions regarding this.

Students follow the rules of the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor campus. Students who are readmitted into the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor campus follow the Bulletin in effect for the academic term in which they resume their studies. The College of engineering Bulletin reflects yearly curricular changes in the various degree programs.

The College of Engineering Bulletin reflects yearly curricular changes in the various degree programs. A student in a degree program that has degree requirement changes in a Bulletin produced during their academic career at the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, may follow a subsequent Bulletin. This determination should be made in conjunction with the Program Advisor.

View the College of Engineering Online Bulletin.


Degree Requirements

Undergraduate students in the College of Engineering must meet two types of requirements for their bachelor’s degree. For information regarding the program requirements that are associated with the student’s declared major, refer to the specific department or program requirements. For information regarding the college requirements for a bachelor’s degree, refer to degree requirements. Both departmental and college degree requirements must be met to earn a bachelor’s degree.


Degree Honors

To review all of the different academic honors and award and the grade point average distinction, please click here.


Undergraduate Academic Rules, Rights and Responsibilities

In establishing a standard of student conduct, the University of Michigan is committed to the basic principles of entrusting each student with a high degree of freedom to govern his or her life and conduct while enrolled at the University. 

Being a successful member of the College of Engineering community involves intense, spirited and innovative collaboration with groups of people from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, the College of Engineering embraces a spirit of acceptance and understanding so that our community enjoys a high quality educational and work experience that contributes not only to our technical expertise and accomplishments, but to our ability to interact effectively as a team across disciplines, perspectives, and cultures around the globe. Our goal is welcoming environment of respect and courtesy for all members of our campus community. This goal takes the active involvement of all of our community members to create an environment that values our diverse community and fosters intercultural skills.

The College of Engineering encourages its students to protect and use this freedom with wisdom and good judgment, and to accept and discharge the responsibility inherent to such freedom.

Students are expected to respect the rights and property of others and to comply with University regulations and public laws.

The College of Engineering welcomes the participation of students in decision-making relevant to their affairs and provides channels of communication, both at the college and department level, for that purpose. To benefit from such activity, each student should recognize his or her responsibility to fellow students and to the faculty and staff, and should discharge all duties with the standards that make such student-college relationships effective and valuable.

The College of Engineering reserves the right to discipline, exclude from participation in relevant activities, or dismiss any student whose conduct or performance it considers in violation of its standards. Such a decision will be made only after review by the appropriate student and faculty committees. During this review, the student will have full opportunity to present his or her position. A student also has the right of appeal to the Executive Committee of the College.

The Honor Code of the College of Engineering bears witness to the deep trust that characterizes the student-faculty relationships in one of the most important aspects of student conduct.

View a full listing of all of the Academic Rules, Rights, and Responsibilities here.