The following is a list of links to the Academic Rules Section of the College of Engineering Bulletin.
General Standards of Conduct for Engineering Students
Honor Code (refer to the SSC and Office of Student Support and Accountability)
Applications of the Honor Code
Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities:
Registration, Grades and Policies
Registration (Official Enrollment)
Indebtedness to the University
Half Term Courses During Fall or Winter Terms (2 credits)
Add/Drop/Edit (Modify) & Course Withdrawals
Add/Drop/Edit (Modify) Policy (Change of Elections)
Courses Offered on a Mandatory Pass/Fail Basis
Transfer Credit Information: Homepage and Bulletin
Transfer Credit for Enrolled Students (Transfer Credit Approval Form)
Transfer Credit for International Programs
Declaring (or Changing) a Major
Transfers and Withdrawals, Readmission
Honor Point Deficit Calculator
Scholastic Standing Committee: Homepage and Bulletin
Standards Governing Scholastic Standing for Unsatisfactory Performance
Requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree