Classroom Scheduling

Student Organizations that are registered with the College of Engineering can reserve spaces on campus for events and meetings. See the information below to find the contact information for different spaces that are available. For student groups, below are the timelines to request a CoE classroom:

Fall term:
Event requests that start at 5:00 p.m. or later on weekdays, or anytime on weekends can be submitted the first week of July.
Event requests that start before 5:00 p.m. on weekdays have to wait until the end of the first week of classes (in September, so that is when you could start submitting those requests). After the first week, plus one day after the start of term (e.g. if classes begin on August 26th, daytime scheduling will begin on September 4th due to the holiday).
Winter term:
Event requests that start at 5:00 p.m. or later on weekdays, or anytime on weekends can be submitted the last week of October.
Event requests that start before 5:00 p.m. on weekdays have to wait until the end of the first week of classes (in January, so that is when you could start submitting those requests). After the first week, plus one day after the start of term (e.g. if classes begin on January 10th, daytime scheduling will begin on January 18th).
Spring, Summer, Spring/Summer terms:
Event requests can be submitted in mid-February

College of Engineering Classrooms

College of Engineering classrooms can be reserved for meetings and events through SPACES (25Live). There are three schedulers per department who have access to the system.

  • See the CAEN website for locations, capacities, equipment, etc.
  • Usually no fee. Rental fees for non-CoE affiliation can be found here.
  • Can use any caterer

For CoE departments or offices, below are the timelines to request classrooms:

Fall term:
Event requests that start at 5:00 p.m. or later on weekdays, or anytime on weekends can be submitted the last week of May.
Event requests that start before 5:00 p.m. on weekdays have to wait until the end of the first week of classes (in September, so that is when you could start submitting those requests).
Winter term:
Event requests that start at 5:00 p.m. or later on weekdays, or anytime on weekends can be submitted the second week of October.
Event requests that start before 5:00 p.m. on weekdays have to wait until the end of the first week of classes (in January, so that is when you could start submitting those requests).
Spring, Summer, Spring/Summer terms:
Event requests can be submitted in mid-February

College of Engineering Non-Classroom Spaces

Like CoE classrooms, the following can be reserved in SPACES. If you do not have access to SPACES, please reach out to your department scheduler who can submit the requests for you.

  • Blue Lounge
  • Chrysler Lobby (Chesebrough)
  • EECS Atrium

There are no date restrictions when reserving these spaces.

Lurie Engineering Center

To host a meeting or event please complete the SPACES Event Form request or contact the Resource Planning and Management office by email: [email protected]. For more information, visit the LEC Room Scheduling page.
  • Description of rooms
  • Outside doors are locked at 6:00 p.m.
  • Usually no fee
  • 3rd floor Johnson Rooms have access to catering kitchen
Events are scheduled in the order in which requests are received with first priority given to the Deans of the College. Due to high demand, the RPM office regrets that it is unable to reserve space without the 25Live Event Form filled out in its entirety.

Outdoor Commons Scheduling

Policies and procedures for reserving Central Campus Diag and North Campus Commons; administered through the Center for Campus Involvement or the Pierpont Commons.
This photo displays an aerial view of UM North Campus